A Platform for Avian Conservation Monitoring

Development Toolkit

Development Environment

Minimum environment:

  • Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition
  • SQL Server LocalDB


  • Visual Studio Code for any HTML, CSS, JS work.
    • The TypeScript Definition manager is used for installing IntelliSense definition files. Install tsd globally using npm -g install tsd.
    • As with bower, npm, etc., you need to run install anytime the tsd.json file changes. This will download type definitions and install them into the typings directory. At a command prompt, just run tsd install.
    • These typings give you lovely IntelliSense within VSCode, but they don’t help with JSHint. To eliminate JSHint warnings on legitimate globals, add the library name to the .jshintrc file.

Workspace Setup

  • Fork your repositories off of the main repositories of FlightNode.
  • Install Git 2.x using Chocolatey.
  • Locally, create a directory called c:\Workspaces\FlightNode (or any name of your choice).
  • Run Git-Bash (you’ll may want to pin it to the taskbar or dock for easy access)
  • Create your local copies of your GitHub repositories
mkdir FlightNode
cd FlightNode 
git clone https://github.com/*<username>*/FlightNode.Identity
git clone https://github.com/*<username>*/FlightNode.Common
git clone https://github.com/*<username>*/flightnode.Demo
git clone https://github.com/*<username>*/flightnode.DataCollection

New to Git? Here are some tips and tutorials


  • Unit Test: xUnit.Net. Suggest installing the Visual Studio runner.
  • Mocking: Moq
  • Desired code-coverage: 80%
    • VS Community does not have code coverage. Need to setup OpenCover.


  • Angular.js
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap (Angular version)


  • API routing: WebApi
    • I strongly considered Node.js, PHP, and Python - but the reality is that finding hosting for Node.js and Python is expensive, and I hate PHP. Also, in recruiting for an open source team, I needed to target to the framework that my friends are already comfortable in.
  • Hypermedia specification: Collection+JSON or HAL or Siren (undecided)
  • DB: SQL Server 2014
  • Auth: ASP.NET Identity Framework
  • ORM: EntityFramework (tentative)
    • Considering NServiceKit.OrmLite or Dapper as alternatives.
    • Why use EF at all? Code migrations. And because it is a useful skill to have, even if there are much higher performing frameworks
  • Architecture: Onion

Lifecycle Management

  • Source Control: GitHub
  • Artifacts: possibly post directly to NuGet, bower.
  • Integration: AppVeyor (future)
  • Deployment: AppVeyor (future)

Posted with : Development Toolkit